World Quest Consulting Overview
There are typically 3 meetings (2 are individual and one is joint) these Meetings usually take up to 30 minutes per meeting.
With World Quest Consulting will first individually and confidentially meet with the mediator online. Next your mediator will meet with the other participant to fully understand everyone’s individual situation.
After these individual discussions your mediator will facilitate a Joint discussion to come to an agreement.
Getting Started with Your Individual Mediator Meeting
- Select a mediator or select “first available.”
- Schedule and pay for a half-hour individual meeting ($99).
- Receive an email confirmation from your mediator with a link to their Zoom meeting room.
- Click the link to join your Zoom meeting 5 minutes before the meeting to make sure that your microphone and speakers work. If not, you can call in to your meeting by phone with a provided phone number.
- Individually meet with your mediator to constructively move your situation forward.
The Mediator Meets with Second Participant
- Assuming that you, as the initiating party, still want to move forward with mediation following your individual meeting, your identified second party is then contacted to schedule their individual meeting time with the mediator. Either you or the mediator, as you prefer, can seek to contact the second party to schedule their individual meeting.
- The second participant and the mediator then schedule an up to 30 minute meeting for $99.
- The second participant receives their link to the mediator’s Zoom meeting room by email.
- The second participant and the mediator meet online for up to 30 minutes to also seek to constructively move your situation forward.
Both Participants Schedule a Joint Mediation Meeting
- Assuming that both participants are agreeable to move forward in mediation with a joint meeting, both participants then select their next meeting time for a joint mediation meeting.
- Both participants schedule up to 30 minutes with the mediator for a joint meeting for $99. If additional meeting time is desired, this is arranged directly with the mediator.
- The mediator sends both parties an email with a link to their joint mediation Zoom room
- Both participants are asked to wait in the online Zoom “waiting room” until the mediator brings both participants into the joint mediation meeting.
- The mediator has the ability to meet with both parties jointly, or to periodically meet with each party individually, as part of a joint mediation meeting.
The Goal is a Mutually Acceptable Resolution Agreement
- If both participants desire to recite your Resolution Agreement in writing, your mediator will assist you to do this.
- Once refined, any desired Resolution Agreement will, as desired, be sent to both participants as a PDF for signatures.