The altar piece behind the priest is very familiar

The altar piece behind the priest is very familiar

Msgr., I saw the other picture and that must indeed be St. John’s. It’s actually mostly open structure with hanging fabric and behind it is the choir. To the right, as you look at the priest, is the sanctuary, and to the left was the altar server vesting room and we had to cross behind the altar piece to go back and forth.

Sometimes I sit and cringe at the short dresses I see young ladies wear or the grunge look of some young boys/men

In any case, thanks for bringing back memories and giving me a look at my old parish. Now, I’m *really* curious how photos of a parish in Massachusetts got in a First Communion manual from Chicago.

Thanksfor this clarification. I hope St. Johns has survived the Church closings of the Northeast and wasn’t too servely renovated in the 70s-80s. It is modern but tasteful

St. John’s is still around. Here’s a link to one small photo from the archdiocesan website, which seems to fit with the illustrations.

I agree we should all dress more respectfully. I do believe we should show respect for the House of our Lord, but I also truly believe that God is more grateful that someone in shorts is sitting there and is at least there then someone who has shown up all dolled up and personally glad the days of the Sunday morning fashion show are gone, it makes it easier to concentrate on the Word of God than wondering what Edith or Hans is wearing and oh my gosh they wore that last week too! I think opening the door to all, no matter how they are dressed, makes us a more inviting Church. Would Jesus have turned away someone not dressed in their “Sunday best?” Dressing nice does not make you a better Catholic, it more cases than not, it just means you can afford to dress nice.

If I remember correctly a parable from scripture (while I realize there is duality in the meaning) was the guest not cast out who came without wearing a wedding garment? While God is infinitely merciful and loving, He is also infinitely just and all powerful; He commands and deserves the utmost respect in our actions, words and dress, particularly at Sunday Mass.

Affordability should also never be an excuse to not make an effort to dress as nice as possible for our Lord. Good condition second hand suits and dresses are readily available if we can’t afford new but many are too proud to look.

Here! Here! I can’t afford to buy a lot of new clothes and dresses that are modest because they are extremely expensive. I always buy second hand. And it’s better for the environment. Why go buy a newly milled dress when you can buy something barely used that’s just as good? Many second hand stores sell clothes with the tags still on them. Obviously someone didn’t even bother to wear them.

The closest thing to a church norm regarding attire in Church that I have found is from para. 1387 from the Catechism:

1387 To prepare for worthy reception of this sacrament, the faithful should observe the fast required in their Church. Bodily demeanor (gestures, clothing) ought to convey the respect, solemnity, and joy of this moment when Christ becomes our guest.


Would it follow from this that, if my clothing does not convey the respect and solemnity of the moment, that I am not properly disposed to receive the Eucharist?

Where I live, no one dresses up for anything. Ever. I only dress up for the traditional Latin mass on Saturday and Sunday.

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